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τώρα τελευταία με τρώει κιόλας να αφιερώσω ένα δεκαήμερο για να γράψω ένα μυθιστόρημα στα ελληνικά και μετά να να το βάλω για μετάφραση στο translate και να το κάνω διανομή στο webnovel. Έχετε δοκιμάσει το google translate για μετάφραση μεγάλου κειμένου; Μείνατε ευχαριστημένοι; Εγώ που το δοκίμασα σε μια ιστορία που είχα γράψει, έβγαζε μια χαρά νόημα. Δεν ήταν τέλειο, ήθελε κάποιες διορθώσεις, αλλά σχετικά γρήγορα θα μπορούσες να κάνεις δουλειά πιστεύω. Δεν θα το δοκίμαζα για σοβαρή δουλειά, αλλά στο webnovel ούτως ή άλλως τα περισσότερα σαβούρες είναι 😛 

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Όσο πιο μεγάλο το κείμενο τόσο μεγαλύτερες είναι οι αστοχίες, δεν ξέρω γιατί, ίσως  τείνει να χρησιμοποιεί την ίδια λέξη για όσες φορές βρίσκει την αντίστοιχη Ελληνική. Το επόμενο θέμα είναι τα άρθρα που μπερδεύει. Αντί για ενιαία μετάφραση θα σου πρότεινα να το κάνεις με έναν αριθμό λέξεων. Ας πούμε 1000 σε κάθε φορά.

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12 minutes ago, WILLIAM said:

Όσο πιο μεγάλο το κείμενο τόσο μεγαλύτερες είναι οι αστοχίες, δεν ξέρω γιατί, ίσως  τείνει να χρησιμοποιεί την ίδια λέξη για όσες φορές βρίσκει την αντίστοιχη Ελληνική. Το επόμενο θέμα είναι τα άρθρα που μπερδεύει. Αντί για ενιαία μετάφραση θα σου πρότεινα να το κάνεις με έναν αριθμό λέξεων. Ας πούμε 1000 σε κάθε φορά.

Δοκίμασες και το έκανες απλά επικόλληση ή δοκίμασες το document upload? Γιατί στη δεύτερη περίπτωση τα μπερδεύει, πρέπει να το ανεβάσεις σε απλό txt έγγραφο. Δες ένα παράδειγμα από txt & .docx για το ίδιο κείμενο.

txt format


The sun rose majestically in the mountainous Alyko. The tiled roofs took on a pomegranate color and the roosters announced the arrival of the sun, with its light rays resembling arrows, nailed into the dense forests that surrounded the village. But that distant Friday of 1998 was not an ordinary day, at least for seventeen-year-old Laios Lyra. After waking up in the morning, he used to go out in the yard of the house and stretch, in front of the garden with the radishes and the tomatoes. He found the effect of the sun on him beneficial. It filled him with energy to make the rest of the day, like a human solar lantern. Apparently, however, that morning was not the only one to engage in daily rituals.
The first thing he thought when he saw them abandoned in the yard, at his feet, was not sadness, not disgust, not even fear. It was a macabre realization: that horror can come into your life at any time. You may avoid her, you may hide her under nice words and gentle gestures, but she will come at some point in your life, in some form. Either with the suicide of your mother, or with the violent death of a friend, or with an incurable disease. For the young Laios, the horror that entered his life that morning took the form of nine beheaded village dogs, abandoned in the garden and with their heads clasped in roosters, among radishes and tomatoes that had now acquired a tinge of color.
The young Laios, who never did well at the sight of blood, felt the morning rising from his esophagus and felt lucky that he had not eaten much. The dogs were full of wounds. Among them he recognized some of the strays of the village, but also others he did not know. The dogs had multiple wounds on their bodies, while in places where there should be smooth hair, there were broken muscles and thick blood. The spectacle reminded him of a slaughterhouse and in combination with the tanga, sour smell of carcasses, emptied the contents of his stomach on the steps of the yard. When he spat the last cornflake from his mouth he felt better and better observed the macabre spectacle.
The dogs were placed in a circle, with their heads forcibly removed from their necks, as if someone were pulling them until they were uprooted. They were found in two triads and a pair, in wooden cages in the center of the circle. With open muzzles and eyes frozen in terror. Laius could not help but notice that one of the heads - that of the wolf dog - was missing. It was the largest dog and its carcass stood out from the rest, not only in size, but also because it bore the most wounds. Abrasions and holes that had soaked his fur. Laius assumed that he had to force his killer enough before he got rid of him and immediately felt compassion for the unfortunate animals. No animal deserved to suffer like this, let alone bruise its head on the ground. This brought a silly smile to his lips, but he immediately regretted it. He was trying to keep his composure, hooked from where he could. Humor has always been a good solution, but it came at the wrong time. This one was one of them, since a neighbor who was passing by, happened to see Laios standing with a half smile in front of the massacre in his yard.
The news was fired like a sparkler in the village and before noon came everyone knew what had happened, from the village priest to the deaf-mute Mr. Sarantis who lived in a hut on the outskirts of Alykos. Some rejoiced at the developments as stray dogs were a thorn in their side. Some were wild, while others made a fuss in the middle of the night. "At least now we will sleep peacefully," they said. The most sensitive locals could not handle the event and found it easier to point their arrows at Laius. "I tell you, he was sitting on the carcasses and the demon was smiling," the good neighbor informed them. "I think I heard him say a prayer to the octopus, but I'm not sure." "I knew this kid was a bitch," said another. "Ever since his mother went crazy, he has gone crazy too. So go, the apple under the apple tree will fall. Oh, poor Violand ... "he said and stretched a like a rubber band.
Laios had moved from Athens that summer a few weeks ago and was living with his aunt, Violanda. Both the attempted suicide of his mother and his father, who had abandoned them, did not want much to make the precautionary villagers of Alykos assume that he was responsible for this misfortune.
The police of the village -for the first time in a long time-, were forced to leave their regular visit to the tsipouro restaurant of the village to go and check the incident. The local police, who had never encountered anything like this and all they knew how to do was get cats off the trees and stop angry villagers arguing over pastures and watering the fields, were completely inexperienced in managing the incident. All they did was record the incident, wiping the sweat from their foreheads every now and then. They asked the usual questions to Laios, but they did not give up. They knew that this child was introverted and a little weird, but they did not believe that he would be able to exterminate all the dogs in the village. He did not have the required strength and he also had a powerful alibi: Aunt Violanda who had incense the whole yard since morning. At least it masked the unbearable smell of corpses. The police assumed that this was done by someone who hated them.
"But who wants to hurt us?" said an indignant Violand. "And we go to church and participate in festivals, we do not have to inherit a divorce. Who wants our evil-virgin-help-me? "
"Calm down, it may have been a coincidence. Have fun. Maybe the gypsies living in the plain did it. I have them capable of something like that ", said the policeman with the thick mustache to his colleague, a middle-aged man with a forehead who immediately took a skeptical style.
"Yes, but why cut off their heads! Why put them in a circle? Why in our yard? " She continued confused and with a fan working non-stop.
"Mrs. Violanda, the gypsies are peasants. They may have been bothered by dogs or they may have a habit of killing them like that, who knows. Don't you see in the Anatomy of a Crime what people do for stupid reasons? "
"This is a nice series," added his colleague.
"Yes, it's a pity they cut her."
"In any case," said Violanda. "Can you patrol nearby for a while?"


doc format


The sun rose majestically in the mountainous Alyko . The tiled took a rosy color and cocks announced the arrival of the sun , the brightness values rays resemble arrows , which pinned through the dense forest , which surrounds the village. That distant Friday of 1998 though it was not an ordinary day, at least for seventeen-year-old Laios Lyra. After waking up in the morning, he used to go out in the yard of the house and stretch, in front of the garden with the radishes and the tomatoes. He found the effect of the sun on him beneficial. It filled him with energy to make the rest of the day, like a human solar lantern. Apparently, however, that morning was not the only one to engage in daily rituals.

The first thing he thought when he saw them abandoned in the yard, at his feet, was not sadness, not disgust, not even fear. It was a macabre realization: that horror can come into your life at any time. You may avoid her, you may hide her under nice words and gentle gestures, but she will come at some point in your life, in some form. Either with the suicide of your mother, or with the violent death of a friend, or with an incurable disease. For the young Laios , the horror that entered his life that morning took the form of nine beheaded village dogs, abandoned in the garden and with their heads clasped in roosters , among radishes and tomatoes that had now acquired a tinge of color.

The young Laios, who never did well at the sight of blood, felt the morning rising from his esophagus and felt lucky that he had not eaten much. The dogs were full of wounds. Among them he recognized some of the strays of the village, but also others he did not know. The dogs had multiple wounds on their bodies , while in places where there should be smooth hair, there were broken muscles and thick blood. The spectacle reminded him of a slaughterhouse and in combination with the tanga, sour smell of the trunks, he emptied the contents of his stomach on the steps of the yard. When spat and final corn - Flake from his mouth he felt better and better noticed macabre spectacle.

The dogs were placed in a circle, with their heads forcibly removed from their necks, as if someone were pulling them until they were uprooted. They were found in two triads and a pair, in wooden cages in the center of the circle. With open muzzles and eyes frozen in terror. Laius could not help but notice that one of the heads - that of the wolf dog - was missing. It was the largest dog and its carcass stood out from the rest, not only in size, but also because it bore the most wounds. Abrasions and holes that had soaked his fur. Laius assumed that he had to force his killer enough before he got rid of him and immediately felt compassion for the unfortunate animals. No animal deserved to suffer like this, let alone behead its head in the dirt. This brought a silly smile to his lips, but he immediately regretted it. He was trying to stay calm, hooked from where he could. Humor was always a good solution, but it came at the wrong time. This one was one of them, since a neighbor who was passing by, happened to see Laios standing with a half smile in front of the massacre in his yard.

The news was fired like a sparkler in the village and before noon came everyone knew what had happened, from the village priest to the deaf man Mr. Sarantis who lived in a hut on the outskirts of Alykos . Some rejoiced at the developments as stray dogs were a thorn in their side. Some were wild, while others made a fuss in the middle of the night. " At least now we will sleep peacefully, " they said. The most sensitive locals could not handle the event and found it easier to point their arrows at Laius. " I tell you, he was sitting on the carcasses and the demon was smiling, " the good neighbor informed them . " I think I heard him say a prayer to the octopus, but I'm not sure . " " I knew this kid was a bitch, " said another. " Ever since his mother went crazy, he has gone crazy too. So go, the apple under the apple tree will fall. Oh, poor Violand . . . He said and tendons with the a like a rubber band.

Laios had moved from Athens that summer a few weeks ago and was staying with his aunt, Violanda . Both the attempted suicide of his mother and his father, who had abandoned them, did not want much to make the precautionary villagers of Alykos assume that he was responsible for this misfortune.

The police of the village -for the first time in a long time-, were forced to leave their regular visit to the tsipouro restaurant of the village to go and check the incident. The local police, who had never encountered anything like this and all they knew how to do was get cats off the trees and stop angry villagers arguing over pastures and watering the fields, were completely inexperienced in managing the incident. All they did was record the incident, wiping the sweat from their foreheads every now and then. They asked the usual questions to Laios, but they did not give up. They knew that this child was introverted and a little weird, but they did not believe that he would be able to exterminate all the dogs in the village. He did not have the required strength and he also had a powerful alibi: Aunt Violanda who had incense the whole yard since morning. At least it masked the unbearable smell of corpses. The police assumed that this was done by someone who hated them.

" But who wants to hurt us? " E RPF an indignant Violanta . " K. cent go to church and participate in fairs, we have inherited not divide. Who wants our evil - Virgin Mary - help me? »

" Calm down, it may have been a coincidence. Have fun. Maybe the gypsies living in the plain did it. I have them capable of something like that ", said the policeman with the thick mustache to his colleague, a middle-aged man with a forehead who immediately took a skeptical style.

" Yes, but why cut off their heads ! Why put them in a circle ? Why in our yard ? " In ynechise that confused with a fan working nonstop.

" Mrs. Violanda , the gypsies are peasants. They may have been bothered by dogs or they may have a habit of killing them like that, who knows. Do you not see in the Anatomy of a Crime what people do for stupid reasons? »

"This is a nice series, " added his colleague.

" Yes, it's a pity they cut her . "

" In PAS , the case where " takes its n why Violanta . " Can you patrol nearby for a while? »


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Στην πρώτη περίπτωση το κείμενο βγάζει άκρη μια χαρά. οκ καταλαβαίνεις οτι δεν είναι άψογα γραμμένο απευθείας, αλλά καταλαβαίνεις τι γίνεται. στο δεύτερο δεν βγάζεις άκρη.

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Το έχω δοκιμάσει και με επικόλληση και με ανέβασμα. Με απλό κείμενο δεν το έχω δοκιμάσει.

Ως πόσες λέξεις σηκώνει σε αρχείο;

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Το αρχείο που ανέβασα ήταν περίπου 30.000 λέξεις και το μετέφρασε σε 1 με 2 δευτερόλεπτα. 

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Πήρα το περιεχόμενο από το ms doc και το έκανα επικόλληση απευθείας μέσα στο σημειωματάριο και έπειτα το ανέβασα.

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Το δοκίμασα με rich text  φορμάτ και δείχνει να δουλεύει καλύτερα αν και δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω γιατί να κάνει διαφορά το είδος αρχείου. Τα άρθρα βέβαια πάλι τα κάνει λάθος.

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