Χάος ή Νόμος
Ποιός θεός σας αρέσει/εκφράζει πιο πολύ ή θα ακολουθούσατε σε μια Κοσμική Μάχη;
11 members have voted
1. Χάος κ' Νόμος
[C] Slortar the Old0
[C] Mabelode the Faceless, King of the Swords0
[C] Chardros the Reaper0
[C] Hionhurn the Executioner0
[C] Xiombarg the Sword Queen0
[C] Pyaray the Tentacled Whisperer of Impossible Secrets0
[C] Balaan the Grim0
[C] Arioch the Duke of Hell, Lord of the Seven Darks, Knight of the Swords8
[C] Eequor the Blue Lady of Dismay0
[C] Narjhan the Lord of Beggars0
[C] Balo the Jester0
[L] Donblas the Justice Maker1
[L] Arkyn the Meticulous, Lord of Natural Law1
[L] Goldar the Profiteer, Lord of Progress and Wealth0
[L] Mirath of the White Hands, Lord of Mortality0
[L] Tovik the Relentless, Lord of Violence0
[L] Vallyn the Wise, Lord of Achievement0
[L] Salik the Potent, Lord of Fertility0
[L] Theril of the Guiding Hands, Lord of Inspiration0
[L] Elgis The Gentle, Lord of Harmony1
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