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Ποιός χαρακτήρας λογοτεχνίας είστε; (τεστ)


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Μια πρόταση για όσους τώρα γράφονται στο φόρουμ και δεν ξέρουν τι ψευδώνυμο να υιοθετήσουν.

Και για πλάκα, εννοείται.




What Literary Character Are You?    

Complete this quiz and find out which fictional character you're most like.

My gender is...


1. My greatest strength is...

Taking risks and not being afraid to fight.
Being intimidating and powerful.
My creativity.
My rational thinking.
Always seeing the best in people.
Fighting for those who can't fight for themselves.

2. On the weekend I can be found...

Reading a good book.
Planning revenge.
Going on a date with someone I love.
Paintballing, bungy jumping- something exciting!
Hanging out with friends.
Spray painting subversive graffiti on railway tracks.

3. My ideal job would be...

A detective or an FBI investigator.
A skydiving instructor or some type of adventure leader.
The ultimate dictator of the world.
Helping those who are deprived.
Being in the military or as a spy.
What job? I do what I want!

4. In high school...

I made people laugh.
I was the quiet one in the corner.
School? I think I missed that one.
I was a bully and liked to make people cry.
Spent class time placing hearts around my crush's name.
I helped others with their homework.

5. What is the most important characteristic to have?

Physical strength and superiority

6. My biggest flaw is that I am...

Too introverted.
Easily taken advantage of.
Often a target because I am so outspoken.
More interested in the present than the future- I don't plan ahead.
Too hot tempered.
None of the above. If I answered I'd have to kill you.

7. If I had to participate in a match with an enemy to defend my honour, I would...

Suggest a swash-buckling sword duel to the death, but when I win I wouldn't kill him/her. It's a gentleman's game.
I would distract them with jokes until they got bored.
Beat that person at chess or another type of intellectual game.
Suggest we meet to discuss the terms, but plan an underhanded surprise.
Suggest hand-to-hand combat to see who is the strongest.
Not participate in such a ruthless game.

8. My favorite animal is...


9. If I don't get my way, I...

Yell and pressure people until I get what you want.
Forget about it. Life is about giving, not always receiving.
Plan revenge on those who denied me my rights.
Come to a reasonable explanation as to why and move on.
Dream about what it would be like to have it my way.
Move on. There are a lot more important things to worry about.

10. My biggest fear is...

To be viewed as helpless.
To not be allowed to express myself.
To be alone for the rest of my life.
To be forgotten.
To never be recognized for my evil genius.
To be thought of as a liar and a cheat.



Εγώ το έκανα δυο φορές, γιατί σε μερικές ερωτήσεις ήμουν ανάμεσα σε δυο απαντήσεις, και μου έβγαλε τη μία την Ερμιόνη (Χάρι Πότερ) και την άλλη την Γκαλάντριελ. Θέλω να δω σε πόσους από σας θα βγάλει χαρακτήρα της λογοτεχνίας του φανταστικού.

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You are Galadriel from the trilogy the Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. Recently played by Cate Blanchett in the epic movie trilogy directed by Peter Jackson, you are a strong woman and you know what you want. You are a visionary with grand ideas.


Ε, τι περίμενες;

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You are Galadriel from the trilogy the Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. Recently played by Cate Blanchett in the epic movie trilogy directed by Peter Jackson, you are a strong woman and you know what you want. You are a visionary with grand ideas.


Ε, τι περίμενες;


Κάτι πιο Μάγισσες της Σμύρνης στυλ.

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You are Galadriel from the trilogy the Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. Recently played by Cate Blanchett in the epic movie trilogy directed by Peter Jackson, you are a strong woman and you know what you want. You are a visionary with grand ideas.


Ε, τι περίμενες;


Κάτι πιο Μάγισσες της Σμύρνης στυλ.




Σε μπερδεύει η κατσαρόλα μου. Κι η κυρά μας Γκαλάντριελ μια στις δεκαπέντε ζύμωνε το λέμπας για την κολώνα του σπιτιού της.  :p

Edited by Naroualis
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You are Hermione from the Harry Potter series. You are smart, witty, and love a challenge. You use rationality and reason in all things. You are measured and stable and you don't let people push you around.



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Τι είδα κι εγώ στο facebook χτες και το έκανα.

Και βγήκα η Lucy από τη Νάρνια. Αρχικά είπα what? Αλλά μετά διάβασα αυτό και συμφώνησα :)


You would go to the ends of the earth for your friends and would never betray them.

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You are Karen Blixen from the book Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen. You are a strong woman with an adventurous nature. You can hold your own and aren't afraid to speak your mind.


Βρε Μιχάλη, νομίζω ότι στην αρχή διαλέγεις φύλο, μπας και έγινε εκεί το μπέρδεμα; :p

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You are Dirk Pitt from the well-known Clive Cussler novels. Recently played by Matthew McConaughey in the blockbuster movie Sahara, you are bold, confident and witty. You love to face new challenges and discover new things.


Θυμάμαι πως η ταινία ήταν καλούτσικη.

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You are Karen Blixen from the book Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen. You are a strong woman with an adventurous nature. You can hold your own and aren't afraid to speak your mind.



Μπόνους, η Μπλίξεν δεν ήταν μόνο η ηρωίδα του βιβλίου, αλλά και η συγγραφέας του. Αυτοβιογραφία. Και ταινία με Στριπ-Ρέντφορντ-Μπραντάουερ

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Α το έκανα χθες βράδυ αυτό! Ορίστε αποτελετέσματα:


You are Tigger. You are fun and rambunctious. You love to make your friends laugh and to have a good time. People like to be around you because you accept others without judgement and you are cheerful and outgoing. As Tigger says himself "Bouncing is what Tiggers do best."

I think that's a fair description :p

Edited by Eugenia Rose
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Βρε Μιχάλη, νομίζω ότι στην αρχή διαλέγεις φύλο, μπας και έγινε εκεί το μπέρδεμα; :p


Φυσικά και διαλέγεις φύλο. Το έκανα απολύτως συνειδητά, δεν υπάρχει κάνενα λάθος. Τι εννοείς; :-)

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Γκαλάντριελ. Αν σκεφτώ το χαρακτήρα που έπλασε ο Τόλκιν, και όχι την κινηματογραφική (και μοιραία κάπως φτωχή) μεταφορά του, τότε νιώθω πολύ κολακευμένη.



You are Galadriel from the trilogy the Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. Recently played by Cate Blanchett in the epic movie trilogy directed by Peter Jackson, you are a strong woman and you know what you want. You are a visionary with grand ideas.


Ε, τι περίμενες;

Α, κυβερνάτε κι εσείς; Θα τσακωνόμαστε για τον "καθρέφτη" μου φαίνεται. 


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Μόλις το έκανα κι εγώ:

You are Gandalf from the trilogy the Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. You are a visionary with grand ideas and courage to match. You are thoughtful and often spend more time thinking about the future than the present.

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You are Sherlock Holmes from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's famous mystery series. You are smart, witty, and love a challenge. You use rationality and reason in all things and don't let your heart rule your head. You are measured and stable and you don't let people push you around.

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You are Peter Pan from the play/novel by James M. Barrie. You are a free spirit and a bit of a rebel. You live in the moment and do not worry yourself with the future. Life is for living and experiencing, not for boredom. You like to go on adventures and you have a brilliant imagination.

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Δεν είναι κατάσταση αυτή... Ούτε καν ένα τεστ δε μπορεί να με βγάλει μια αξιοπρεπή μάγισσα!


You are Eowyn from the trilogy The Lord of the Rings. You are a strong woman who will not compromise your values. You stand up for those who are misunderstood and you are not afraid to fight. You are unafraid of death and to some you may seem mysterious.



Νια νια νια

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You are Hermione from the Harry Potter series. You are smart, witty, and love a challenge. You use rationality and reason in all things. You are measured and stable and you don't let people push you around.




Βάλε και ένα με male, να δούμε τι θα σου βγάλει (ναι, θέλω να είμαι η μόνη Ερμιόνη :harhar1: :atongue: ).

Δεν είναι κατάσταση αυτή... Ούτε καν ένα τεστ δε μπορεί να με βγάλει μια αξιοπρεπή μάγισσα!


You are Eowyn from the trilogy The Lord of the Rings. You are a strong woman who will not compromise your values. You stand up for those who are misunderstood and you are not afraid to fight. You are unafraid of death and to some you may seem mysterious.



Νια νια νια


Μα πόσοι λογοτεχνικοί χαρακτήρες-μάγισσες υπάρχουν; Κάτι γίνεται στον Πράτσετ, αλλά τίποτα άλλο δε μου 'ρχεται.

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Επαρκώς πολλοί για να μου βγάλει έναν της προκοπής :p και σε περίπτωση που δεν το θυμάσαι και η Ερμιόνη μάγισσα είναι έτσι?!

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