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Βρείτε το βιβλίο


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Με έμπνευση από το αντίστοιχο παιχνίδι-thread "Βρείτε την ταινία", ξεκινάω το εξής:

Θα βάλω παρακάτω μία παράγραφο από ένα γνωστό βιβλίο επιστημονικής φαντασίας ή λογοτεχνίας του φανταστικού. Όποιος το βρεί, θα επιλέξει αυτός μία παράγραφο από ένα άλλο βιβλίο.


Τους κανόνες θα τους φτιάξουμε μαζί προχωρώντας.


Ξεκινάω με κάτι πολύ εύκολο.



"The one who opened to me, a slight, grave-looking fellow of nineteen or twenty, accepted my words in silence and silently admitted me to the Hearth. He took me to the wash-house, the tiring-rooms, the great kitchen, and when he had seen to it that the stranger was clean, clothed, and fed, he left me to myself in a bedroom that looked down out of deep slit-windows over the gray lake and the gray thore-forests that lie between Estre and Stok. It was a bleak land, a bleak house. Fire roared in the deep hearth, giving as always more warmth for the eye and spirit than for the flesh, for the stone floor and walls, the wind outside blowing down off the mountains and the Ice, drank up most of the heat of the flames. But I did not feel the cold as I used to, my first two years on Winter; I had lived long in a cold land, now."


edit: ορθογραφικά....

Edited by Koyan
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Δικιο πρεπει να εχει ο Νιχιλιο.Πρεπει να ειναι αφηγηση του Τζεντρυ Αι,δυο χρονια στον Χειμωνα...τι διαολο,αυτος ειναι!


Σκατα,με προλαβε.

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Ο Nihilio το βρήκε.

Το είπα ότι έβαλα κάτι εύκολο. :-)


Nihilio το τεραίν δικό σου, κάνε παιχνίδι.

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"But naow I'll show ye the best un - over here nigh the middle - "The old man's

speech grew a trifle thicker and his eyes assumed a brighter glow; but his

fumbling hands, though seemingly clumsier than before, were entirely adequate to

their mission. The book fell open, almost of its own accord and as if from

frequent consultation at this place, to the repellent twelfth plate showing a

butcher's shop amongst the Anzique cannibals. My sense of restlessness returned,

though I did not exhibit it. The especially bizarre thing was that the artist

had made his Africans look like white men - the limbs and quarters hanging about

the walls of the shop were ghastly, while the butcher with his axe was hideously

incongruous. But my host seemed to relish the view as much as I disliked it.

"What d'ye think o' this - ain't never see the like hereabouts, eh? When I see

this I telled Eb Holt, 'That's suthin' ta stir ye up an' make yer blood tickle.'

When I read in Scripter about slayin' - like them Midianites was slew - I kinder

think things, but I ain't got no picter of it. Here a body kin see all they is

to it - I s'pose 'tis sinful, but ain't we all born an' livin' in sin? - Thet

feller bein' chopped up gives me a tickle every time I look at 'im - I hey ta

keep lookin' at 'im - see whar the butcher cut off his feet? Thar's his head on

thet bench, with one arm side of it, an' t'other arm's on the other side o' the

meat block."

As the man mumbled on in his shocking ecstasy the expression on his hairy,

spectacled face became indescribable, but his voice sank rather than mounted. My

own sensations can scarcely be recorded. All the terror I had dimly felt before

rushed upon me actively and vividly, and I knew that I loathed the ancient and

abhorrent creature so near me with an infinite intensity. His madness, or at

least his partial perversion, seemed beyond dispute. He was almost whispering

now, with a huskiness more terrible than a scream, and I trembled as I listened.

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With my tongue I can feel the silencer holes we drilled into the barrel of the gun.Most of the noise a gunshot makes is expanding gases, and there's the tiny sonic boom a bullet makes because it travels so fast. To make a silencer, you just frill holes in the barrel of the gun, a lot of holes. This lets the gas escape and slows the bullet to below the speed of sound.

You drill the holes wrong and the gun will blow off in your hand.

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Ναι,σωστος εισαι Τωντων...Βαλε ερωτηση γρηγορα!!!Θελουμε να κοιμηθουμε(και καλα...)! :)

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Once a guy stood all day shaking bugs from his hair. The doctor told him there were no bugs in his hair. After he had taken a shower for eight hours, standing under hot water hour after hour suffering the pain of the bugs, he got out and dried himself, and he still had bugs in his hair; in fact, he had bugs all over him. A month later he had bugs in his lungs.

Having nothing else to do or think about, he began to work out theoretically the life cycle of the bugs, and, with the aid of the Britannica, try to determine specifically which bugs they were. They now filled his house. He read about many different kinds and finally noticed bugs outdoors, so he concluded they were aphids. After that decision came to his mind it never changed, no matter what other people told him . . . like "Aphids don't bite people."

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I can see all of our broken faces, caught in this eternal moment, and noone can find the way out. Kuehn now yelling, fuck this goddamn shit - oh fuck God, I love my wife, and Doc John laughing, saying, Jesus Christ are those rockets? and Dettmann screaming, I didn't do it, and me yelling, Rockets, rockets, and forgetting, everything I've been taught about evasive action for rockets and only knowing the word rockets. I stand in place and piss my pants-

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Τέτοια γλώσσα σε βιβλίο του Heinlein; Θα πέσει φωτιά να μας κάψει :tongue:


Εχμ... δε νομίζω ότι το βιβλίο αυτό ανήκει στο χώρο του ΕΦ/φανταστικού. (Google search έκανα, δεν το αναγνώρισα μόνος μου).

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*γκουχ γκουχ* τι έγινε με το τόπικ αυτό; το παρατάμε;

*γκουχ γκουχ* (ξανά) λοιπόν, όχι! ;) sorry που παίρνω τη σειρά άλλου, αλλά ξεχαστήκαμε στην πορεία.

ορίστε λοιπόν ένα αρκετά ξεκάθαρο κομματάκι (2 άξουαλι), μέχρι και με google search μπορείτε να βρείτε από ποιο είναι...


“But it isn’t right! I mean, I look at this land and, and I love it. I want to be out on it travelling over it always, to study it and to live on it and learn it. But when I do that, I change it – I destroy what it is, what I love in it. This road we made, it hurts me to see it! And base camp is like an open pit mine, in the middle of a desert never touched since time began. So ugly, so… I don’t want to do that to all of Mars, Nadia, I don’t. I’d rather die. Let the planet be, leave it wilderness and let radiation do what it will.”



…You can’t just think of yourself.”

“Part of a team, Anne said dully.

“Well, you are.

“I know.” She sighed. We'll all say that. We'll go on and make the place safe. Roads, cities. New sky, new soil. Until it's all some kind of Siberia or Northwest Territories, and Mars will be gone and we'll be here, and we'll wonder why we feel so empty. Why when we look at the land we can never see anything but our own faces.”

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To red Mars.

Πολύς καιρός που το διάβασα. Το πρώτο κομμάτι δεν μου θύμισε τίποτα....

Το δευτερο ήταν αποκαλυπτικό όμως...


Είμαι σίγουρος και βάζω εγώ:


" Every time, though, he extricated himself and went back, perhaps to a different spot, to get a different angle on the game. He was too small to see the controls, how the game was actually done. That didn't matter. He got the movement of it in the air. The way the player dug tunnels in the darkness, tunnels of light, which the enemy ships would search for and then follow mercilessly until they caught the player's ship. The player could make traps: mines, drifting bombs, loops in the air that forced the enemy ships to repeat endlessly. Some of the players were clever. Others lost quickly.


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το ender's game?


συμμετέχω σ'αυτή τη γύρα για να πάρει μπρος το παιχνίδι ξανά. δεν το έχω διαβάσει το βιβλίο, στην τύχη το λέω από όσα έχω διαβάσει και έχω ακούσει για το βιβλίο... :whistling:

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Θα μπορούσε... Το έχω διαβάσει σχετικά πρόσφατα, αλλά στα ελληνικά, οπότε δεν πιάνω το ύφος του συγγραφέα. Αλλά τα περί πλοίων και εξυπνάδας, εκεί παραπέμπουν.

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Δεν βρήκα πρώτος το Παιχνίδι του Έντερ, ωστόσο καταλύοντας κάθε έννοια νομιμότητας βάζω ερώτημα. Όχι απόσπασμα, ερώτημα:


Σε ποιο βιβλίο οι εξωγήινοι λέγονται octospiders;

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To RAMA του Arthur Clarke.


"I shall tear these stars from out the heavens and hurl them in the faces of the gods, if this be necessary. I shall blaspheme in every Temple throughout the land. I shall take lives as a fisherman takes fish, by the net, if this be necessary. I shall mount me again up to the Celestial City, though every step be a flame or a naked sword and the way be guarded by tigers. One day will the gods look down from Heaven and see me upon the stair, bringing them the gift they fear most. That day will the new Yuga begin."

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Σε ποιο βιβλίο οι εξωγήινοι λέγονται octospiders;


Όχι όμως στο Ραντεβού με το Ράμα, αλλά στις συνέχειες που έγραψε ο Λι με τον Κλαρκ. Και αν δεν κάνω λάθος, τα οκτοσπάιντερ εμφανίζονται στις δύο τελευταίες από αυτές, το garden of rama και το rama revealed. Νομίζω στο rama II (πρώτη συνέχεια) δεν εμφανίζονται, αν και πάει καιρός που τα έχω διαβάσει.

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